A group of TVET College principals of the Basque Country, the VET Vice Ministry of the Basque Government and the Unevoc-Centre (Tknika) held a meeting to start a Strategy on gender equality for the coming years.
The colleges who took part on the initiative are the following:
· Plaiaundi Institutua http://www.plaiaundi.hezkuntza.net/web/guest/portada
· Intelligent construction college http://eagi.eus/
· Tolosako Inmakulada http://www.inmakuladatolosa.eus/index.php/home-2/
· Bidebieta http://www.bidebieta-donostia.hezkuntza.net/web/guest/inicio
· Cebanc http://www.cebanc.com/es
· Andra Mari http://www.andramari.hezkuntza.net/web/guest
· Miguel Altuna http://www.imaltuna.hezkuntza.net/web/guest/inicio
· Lea Artibai http://www.leartik.eus/
· Monte Albertia http://www.montealbertia.hezkuntza.net/web/guest
· Social Innovation College http://www.hernanilanh.hezkuntza.net/web/guest/inicio1
· Zabalburu http://www.zabalburu.hezkuntza.net/web/guest
· Elorrieta-Erreka Mari http://www.elorrieta.hezkuntza.net/web/guest
The TVET strategy of UNEVOC has three main pillars:
The goal of the meeting was to set up a team to work on the second pillar of Gender Equality in the Basque TVET.
During the meeting, they discussed different aspects of the issue, conducted a SWOT analysis and agreed on a common strategy and action plan to be developed during the next years.