16-17 October Abu Dhabi
Held as part of the WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017, TKNIKA actively participated in the conference with a theme of ‘Skills and Careers without borders’. The discussions addressed the changing skills demands of the globalized world on the way people live, learn, and work and the required response.
Representatives from UNESCO-UNEVOC, UNESCO, the British Council, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the European Commission, CEDEFOP and other relevant organizations where actively ionvolved in the conference. The key thematic areas the discussions addressed included:
- The globalization of skills and careers in an increasingly digitized world
- The mismatch between jobs and skills
- Labour force mobility and the constraints of existing qualifications
- The specific challenges for skills in cities
- Combating gender inequality in skills
Different UNEVOC-Centres took part in the event and Mr. Shyamal Majumdar, head of UNESCO-UNEVOC, took part actively in the conference.
The WorldSkills Competition is a flagship event of WorldSkills International, a member of the international skills coalition with UNESCO and UNESCO-UNEVOC as key partners, is the biggest vocational education and skills excellence event in the world duly reflective of the global industry.
The competitors represent the best of their peers and were selected from skill competitions in WorldSkills member countries. They demonstrate technical abilities both individually and collectively to execute specific tasks for which they study and/or perform in their workplace.
The Basque Country was represented by two TVET Centres:
- 2 Carpentry students from EASO Politeknikoa http://www.easo.hezkuntza.net/web/guest/centro/actualidad/noticias/visualizador?p_p_id=KAIOAContenido_WAR_w24mContenidoWAR&p_p_lifecycle=1&p_p_state=normal&_KAIOAContenido_WAR_w24mContenidoWAR_idArticulo=3301751&_KAIOAContenido_WAR_w24mContenidoWAR_idPlantilla=NOTICIA_DETALLE
- CAD and Industrial Design student from La Salle Berrozpe http://www.lasalleberrozpe.eus/web/eu/content/hhzz-lsb-worldskills-etan-abu-dhabin